Who should contact ToxRe ?

  • Chemical and/or pharmaceutical companies (producing eiter bulk- and/or specialty chemicals (pharmaceuticals, biotechnical- or biochemical products, cosmetics, additives, pesticides, polymers, paints, solvents, etc.) looking for: a) an objective and reliable “second opinion” to satisfy specific liability exposure questions posed by investors, bankers or re/insurance companies; b) an independent selective, alphabetic explanatory "ToxRe-List" based on the critical and hazardous substances list as contained in Excess Insurance Application Forms.
  • Multinationals and small caps seeking an independent, objective and reliable "liability exposure re-assessment" to justify the presence of their captives and provisions in their financial statements to external auditors, tax authorities and other administrative bodies.
  • Bankers looking for a reliable “second opinion” on the general sustainability and product safety aspects, and the subsequent liability loss potential, of credit requesting (chemical and/or pharmaceutical) companies;
  • Investors and venture capitalists looking for a reliable “second opinion” on the occupational, environmental and product safety aspects, as well as the possible loss potential, of (biochemical and/or pharmaceutical) companies seeking additional investment capital.
  • Auditing firms looking for professional advice on assessing the accuracy of environmental and product liability exposures as disclosed in their clients’ financial statements.
  • Re/insurers looking for an objective and reliable “second opinion” on the occupational and environmental safety aspects and subsequent liability exposure of new substances intended to be launched by their clients in the future and for which a worldwide liability coverage is being requested.
  • Re/insurance brokers looking for an independent and reliable “second opinion” on the occupational and environmental safety aspects and subsequent liability exposure of new substances intended to be launched by their clients in the future and for which a worldwide liability coverage is being requested.
Our Clients