Who should
contact ToxRe ?
- Chemical
pharmaceutical companies (producing
eiter bulk- and/or specialty chemicals (pharmaceuticals, biotechnical-
or biochemical products, cosmetics, additives, pesticides, polymers,
paints, solvents, etc.) looking for:
a) an objective and reliable “second opinion”
to satisfy specific liability exposure questions posed by investors,
bankers or re/insurance companies; b) an independent selective, alphabetic
explanatory "ToxRe-List" based on the critical
and hazardous substances list as contained in Excess Insurance Application
and small caps
seeking an independent, objective and reliable "liability
exposure re-assessment" to justify the presence of their
captives and provisions in their financial statements to external
auditors, tax authorities and other administrative bodies.
looking for a reliable “second opinion”
on the general sustainability and product safety aspects, and the
subsequent liability loss potential, of credit requesting (chemical
and/or pharmaceutical) companies;
and venture capitalists looking for a reliable
“second opinion” on
the occupational, environmental and product safety aspects, as well
as the possible loss potential, of (biochemical and/or pharmaceutical)
companies seeking additional investment capital.